Meet the District Beardsmen - a group of gentlemen in the Washington, DC area, that I united for this photo project. They are a mix of tech dudes, hip-hop artists, party animals, and artsy guys. I selected these guys, and communicated with them throughout the process, but I never told them who all would be involved. It was cool to see them interact with each other, as strangers, trading beard care tactics, and sharing their art. Being a beardsmen myself, I even had the opportunity to learn a few beard care tactics to apply at home.

I decided to do this photo project, after the success of a large, 20 person, group shoot with some women, themed around their natural hair. However, for this beardsmen shoot, I didn't want to shoot quite as many guys. 

On set, the vibe was right, and the Jack Daniel's was flowing. Real men wear beards, and drink whiskey.

Special thanks to Beardbrand [ ] for supporting this project. They provided some beard oils, and product samples for the guys. I love the "Spiced Citrus" oil. 

Photos by @everydaylavan. #DistrictBeardsmen