Bre Jordan

Pharmaceutical Sales

Get connected | Instagram: @hunnibre

My Journey: My natural hair journey began with the Big Chop. I decided to shave my head and never looked back. Its been about two years now and I've really never felt more naturally beautiful. I've always worn my hair in a sleek cropped cut so the lack of length was nothing to fear. I was however nervous about about my texture…just the unknown of it all. I didn't really know what to expect but I was ready for new energy surrounding my hair. I was ready to be free. I decided to keep it short so I've continued to get haircuts every few months since the beginning of my journey. Keeping the sides and back tapered while allowing the top to be untamed was exactly the look I was gong for. 

For the better of my first 2 years I was committed to the "wash n go" making for a really easy experience. Co-washes were my go to every morning. I experimented with products, color, shapes and most recently, I've found my new favorite style to be a Twist Out. Boy, am I in love. I simply wash, condition, detangle, apply product and twist. I repeat the twists at night for about 7 nights as the Twist Out only gets better with time. This is my signature look. I feel free. I feel fabulous. I feel like Black Girl Magic when my twist out is popping.
The natural hair journey is a permanent one for me. It will only get bigger and better from here.