Candice Mackel
Owner of Candice Nicole Public Relations
Get connected | Instagram: @CandiceNicolePR | Twitter: @CandiceNicolePR | Facebook: candicenicolepublicrelations | Website: and
So, I think I decided to go natural about 3 years ago? My immediate circle of ladies started to have discussions about natural hair and that is when I started to see more information about natural hair. I didn't realize all of the dangerous chemicals I was using in my hair when I used to get a perm and just other ingredients in shampoo's
It's been a wonderful journey and it makes my heart smile when I see so many African American women go natural! It's just very exciting because growing up all we wanted (most of us) was straight hair. We didn't want to see any kind of curl, bush, tangle and now I get excited at how BIG my hair can get! Everyday is a different day for my curls, as they are never the same and have a mind of their own. It's taught me to embrace every part of myself and to love myself that much more and in return, others see that as well. The Natural Hair Journey isn't for everyone but it's definitely one that is very rewarding and I am looking forward to watching my hair continue to coil, twist and get BIG!