Carmen Boone
Get connected | Instagram: @carmacitab
Growing up, I was always told, “you got some pretty hair”. I never understood the phrase or did it affect me positively or adversely. I figured; I have my parent’s hair--so I did not care what others thought. In my opinion, both of my parents had manageable hair so having “some pretty hair” as others would say did not resonate with me.
My mother--curly hair, my father wavy, thus, leaving my tresses-- a mixed up mess….Needless to say, my natural hair journey started six years ago when I first moved to southern Maryland. I was in search of a hair stylist who was convenient and reasonable in price. In meeting that particular stylist, she asked the history of my hair care and my goal in obtaining natural healthy hair. Upon our initial meeting, she asked me very sternly, “why are you still getting perms?” I said sternly back, “BECAUSE…” not really knowing….My new stylist over emphasized that I had really nice hair and that I did not need a chemical anymore to manage and maintain it. She then introduced to me to a milder form of manageability, called a “texturizer”. At that time, the texturizer loosed up my curl pattern making my hair easier to maintain and style. After a few months of receiving this new process, she then asked me if I knew anything about this term called “transitioning” I said NO! My stylist asked me if she could help me train and repair my hair, I obliged.
After having my hair “trained and transitioned” I was then able to see my natural curl and how confident “my curl” made me feel. I would get very frustrated with the process, but I refused to be defeated. I began looking at various Youtube videos, subscribing to videos, reading blog post, attending natural hair seminars and talking to others who were harping on this “natural hair journey” too, but I sustained. I had to learn how to walk in the journey on my own. When I was able to see my natural curl, I was in LOVE. From the way that the curls bounced when I walked, or popped back when I would pull them… I absolutely loved my natural hair. Oh! Not to mention all of the compliments I would receive from others. I soon learned that my hair was a treasure that I possessed and that never even knew I had! From that time on, until present being a “Natural Girl” has helped me influence others to embrace their beautiful treasure--their natural coils. When it comes to styling, I enjoy wash n’ go’s, Bantu knot outs, high bun, pin ups and face fitting twist styles. It’s not hard to maintain a treatment regimen. I ensure I receive conditioning treatments using Moroccan Oil treatment systems, light Aragon oil/ light moisturizer and a revitalizer mist (to revive those curls) and of course a spritz of H2O.